
The pirate plague of the dead defeating ports
The pirate plague of the dead defeating ports

the pirate plague of the dead defeating ports

Pick the Lock – Chests can be opened immediately Java Climate – Increases trade profits and contribution in Southeast Asian cultural sphere Recruitment: Picked up in a stowaway event seemingly somewhere in Southeast Asia (would like more detail if possible) Hand-to-Hand Tactics – Inflicts enemy ships with water leakage after hand-to-hand combat Together as One – Increases sailor max morale Southeast Asian Climate – Increases trade profits and contribution in the central south peninsula cultural sphere Recruitment: Rose banner questline (triggered by a Garaba event in Malacca?) Loot – Increases supply gained when plundering ships Ship Seizing Tactics – Ability to recruit ships that have surrendered Skilled Fighter – Increased exp gain from battles Its 22 crew are unharmed.Recruitment: Muscat after beating the game as him. Vincent and the Grenadines-flagged Greek-owned bulk carrier was hijacked as it traveled through the Gulf of Aden.

the pirate plague of the dead defeating ports

Two other Egyptian boats carrying 24 crew were also seized. The Italian tugboat, owned by Micoperi Marine Contractors, was carrying 10 Italians, 5 Romanians and a Croatian, was seized towing two barges while traveling westbound through the Gulf of Aden. A Taiwanese tuna fishing beat, the WIN FAR 161, is seized on the same day.īUCCANEER - Seized April 11, 2009. The 32,500-tonne bulker is UK-owned but operated by Italians. The vessel had a German captain, three Russians, two Ukrainians and 14 Filipinos on board. The 20,000-tonne German container vessel was captured about 400 miles off the southern Somali port of Kismayu, between the Seychelles and Kenya. The yacht Serenity with three people on board was seized in late February or early March. The 35-meter boat was built in Hamburg as an oceanographic research vessel. INDIAN OCEAN EXPLORER: Seized March 2009.

The pirate plague of the dead defeating ports